Discover the Sessi Nilsson Series
The Sessi Nilsson series is about an orphaned teenage girl living on her own in a private school in the Pacific Northwest. She discovers she has a special gift that allows her to protect her school and her local community from the goddess Hel. The original concept of the series was inspired by a cross between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Die Hard. These two themes were morphed into something unique and different as Jack explored the character more while writing.
The story mostly appeals to readers ages 13 and older. Read the synopsis for each book on this page. To leave a review or ask questions related to the Sessi Nilsson series, reach out to the author, Jack Lugar, via email.
The First Book: Gate to Hel
Gate to Hel is the first installment is the Sessi Nilsson series. Since being orphaned in her freshman year of high school, Sessi has moved to different foster homes and schools countless times. Just when she thinks she has found her place at Park Sessions Prep, an elite private school, things start to take a different turn. What seems to be a regular Saturday detention quickly turns into a battle with the goddess Hel to secure the not-so-mythological realm of Niflheim.
The Second Book: Race to Odin
Race to Odin, the second book in the series, is about Sessi discovering a secret about her family’s connection to the world of the Norse Gods. After defeating the goddess Hel, she became famous in the nine realms, a reality beyond Park Sessions Prep and the world she had always known. Now, she is unexpectedly thrown into a race where she needs to fight dragons, giants, and fiery surts to the finish line. With help from her friends, Sessi sets off on a death-defying, less-than-ordinary race to Odin.
The Third Book: Path to Lyra
The third installment of the series, Path To Lyra, is about Sessi’s reunion with her mother, Queen Lyra. After defeating the goddess Hel, having her efforts to move from Niflheim to Earth denied, and winning the race for Odinsword, Sessi is set to go to Lundforld to see the queen. Only a few weeks ago, she thought her mother was gone, and she was just another teenage orphan with no permanent place to stay. Now, as Sessi returns home, she discovers her true identity and must come to terms with her royal future.