Sessi and the Race to Odin Book 2

September 12, 2023

Sessi and the Race to Odin (Sessi Nilsson Series) 

by J.R. Lugar 

Book 2 of 3: Sessi Nilsson Series

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Sessi Nilsson has discovered a secret about her family’s connection to the world of the Norse gods. After defeating the goddess Hel, Sessi’s fame has grown in the nine realms and she is now faced with a new reality that goes way beyond Park Sessions Prep and the world she’s always known. Now she is unexpectedly entered into a race for her life that will force her to fight dragons, giants, and fiery surts to reach the finish circle first. With the help of her friends, Sessi sets off on a death-defying adventure as she competes in a less-than-ordinary race to Odin.



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